Note: Length of each DNA sequence should ≥ 10 bp. This is a small server, so only first 10 valid sequences will be blasted.
Data sources.
Parameters not shown are using default settings. Help
perc_identity (0..100) -- Percent identity (%) qcov_hsp_perc (0..100) -- Percent query coverage per hsp (%) evalue ≥ 30 bp < 30 bp (Real number) -- Expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits word_size ≥ 30 bp 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 24 28 35 < 30 bp 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Word size for wordfinder algorithm (length of best perfect match) dust Filter query sequence with DUST
The setted output format for blastn is '6' (Tabular), the specifiers could be: Required sseqid pident qcovhsp sstrand sstart send Optional qcovs evalue bitscore score length qend qlen qseqid qstart slen
Share blast results if the sequences are very similar. Or disable this.
This means: 1. Will not run bl2seq between the query sequences. 2. Will not run bl2seq between the query sequence(s) and known probe sequences.
The following parameters are format specifiers for tabular blast results. HSP (High-scoring Segment Pair) with values less than that setted will not be considered. pident (70..100) -- Percentage of identical matches (%) qcovhsp (70..100) -- Query Coverage Per HSP (%)