Your job id is: t67a36076. 1 sequence was blasted against ACD_sativa_sfs_genome genome.

Note: Job will be stored only 7 days.

Parameters used to filter blast results:

pident = 85, qcovhsp = 80, Sequence(s) just filtered = All of them

Draw picture(s) using the data left.

  Max count / Mb:

top px    bottom px    left px    right px
left px    tick-length px    length px    width px
left px    right px    tick-length px
left px    right px    width px    cap radius px
tick label px    Mbp px    chromosome name px
width px (0 means will not plot bars.)
width px
x px    y em
x px    y em
y em
y em
Black White
Background    Foreground
fill    border
HSP per Mbp  Value < 0 will not be plot.
HSP per Mbp  Value ≥ 100 will in this color.
  1. Mouseover barcodes and bars to get information.
  1. Click rectangulars with less than 100 repeats will show sequences.
  2. Mouseover rectangulars will show start and end.